As we are busy prepping for our fun TV segment shoot tomorrow, we remember some fashion tips an expert gave us years ago. She had said to keep in mind that dressing for success on TV is very different from what you might wear for other professional settings. TV sets are filled with a lot of competing visuals and distractions, so you need to be careful when choosing your on camera wardrobe. First of all, we all know that the camera can add some pounds and that is the last thing any of us ladies want.  So keep that in mind and choose a slimming sheath dress that hugs close (but not too close) to the body. Or go with a nice top and sleek tailored pants, that can also create a smooth and slim silhouette. Next, you need to pick the appropriate color for the spotlight. We believe that color choice is crucial! It should brighten your skin tone as well as compliment the surrounding set. Solid bright colors like royal blue and poppy red are our two faves. Avoid bold prints and excessive jewelry as they can be distracting and look messy. And finally, make sure your hair, skin and nails are in top notch grooming condition. Dark roots will look even darker on camera and dull skin will look even duller. So now, as we prepare for our day tomorrow, we are keeping these simple tips in mind. And we are all set and action ready for our closeups!

Poppy red with sleek pants are alway chic and sleek!

Cobalt blue sheath dresses look great on every woman!

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